Chenghao Duan
ECE, Georgia Tech
Ph.D student 2020-
B.S. University of Illinois
Chenghao DUAN is currently a PhD student in Electrical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from University of Illinois, Urbana – Champaign as a James Scholar in 2018. Driven by the emerging real-world needs and challenges, his research interest is in machine learning and data analytics for power network systems. Specifically, the focus is to enhance the equity of decision and policy of power system with rigorous data evidence and algorithm design.
S Ganz, C Duan, C Ji, “Socioeconomic vulnerability and the duration of storm-caused power outages,” PNAS Nexus, Vol.2 Issue 10 (2023): pgad295
Y Alemu, H Chen, C Duan, D Caulley, RI Arriaga, E Sezgin, “Detecting Clinically Relevant Emotional Distress and Functional Impairment in Children and Adolescents: Protocol for an Automated Speech Analysis Algorithm Development Study.” JMIR Research Protocols 12.1 (2023): e46970
James Scholar, University of Illinois, 2018
Best Teaching Assistant, ECE Gatech, 2022

Ian Maurer
ECE, Georgia Tech
Ph.D student 2025-
B.S. University of Georgia
Ian Maurer is a PhD student in Electrical Engineering at Georgia Tech. He graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering in 2021. He is investigating recent trends related to distributed energy resources, especially rooftop solar panels, and their impacts on power system resilience.
Where are our former students now
Former Ph.D students:
Amir Hossein Afsharinejad, Senior Data Scientist, The Home Depot, GA
Ph.D Thesis: Large scale data analytics for energy networks, 2021
BS: Sharif University, Iran
Yun Wei, Senior Quantitative Researcher, IEX, NJ
Ph.D Thesis: Large-scale Data Analytics, Modeling and Resilience of Energy Infrastructure and Service, 2017
BS: Peking University, China
Supaporn Erjongmanee, Assistant Prof., Kasetsart Univ. Thailand
Ph.D Thesis: Understanding Communication Infrastructure Using Large-Scale Measurements, 2011
Sung-eok Jeon, Meta, Seattle.
Ph.D Thesis: Near-Optimality of Distributed Network Management using Machine Learning Approach, 2007
BS: Yonsei University, MS: KAIST, South Korea.
Rajesh Narasimha (Co-advised with Prof. Steve Mclaughlin), Texas Instruments.
Ph.D Thesis: Application of Information Theory and Learning to Network and Biological Tomography, 2007.
MS: India Institute of Science, India
Zesheng Chen, Associate Prof., Purdue University Fort Wayne.
Ph.D Thesis: Modeling and Defending Against Internet Worm Attacks, 2007
BS: Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, MS: UMass, USA
Clever award, ECE Gatech
Guanglei Liu, Prof., Roan-state Community College, Tennessee
Ph.D Thesis: Management and Control of Scalable and Resilient Next-Generation Optical Networks, 2007
Clever award, ECE Gatech
BS: Tianjin University, China. MS: Renselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Xusheng Tian, Quant Developer, Bloomberg, Inc. NY
Ph.D Thesis: Modeling and Understanding Heterogeneous Network Traffic, 2002.
MS: Tsinghua University, China
Dongxu Shen, University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong.
Ph.D Thesis: Resource Management of Wireless CDMA Networks, 2001.
BS: Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Marina Thottan, Principle Scientist, Amazon, NJ
Ph.D Thesis: Fault Detection and Prediction for the Management of Computer Networks, 2000.
Founder’s award of excellence, RPI
MS: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Sheng Ma, Principal data scientist, Amazon, CA
Ph.D Thesis (Charlie Close Ph.D Thesis Award): Network Traffic Modeling and Analysis in Wavelet Domain, 1998
Founder’s award of excellence, RPI
BS: Tsinghua University, China
Cindy Hood, Associate Prof. Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago.
Ph.D Thesis: Intelligent Detection for Fault Management of Communication Networks, 1996.
BS: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Former MS students:
Guanglei Liu, continued Ph.D.
Thesis: Decentralized Wavelength Assignments and Control of Optical Networks, 2001.
Ying Dong, Ph.D student, Hong Kong University.
Thesis: Simulating a Wireless Network Environment, 2001.
Yingmei Sun, Technical staff member, Oracle, MA.
Thesis: A Simulation Environment for Intelligent Network Agents, 2000.
Peihua Qi, Technical staff member, IBM, NY.
Thesis: Network Anomaly Generation Using ns, 2000.
Andrew Weate, Instructor, the West Point Military Academy, NY.
Thesis: Reinforcement Learning and Applications, 1998.
Dongxu Shen, continued Ph.D.
Thesis: Prediction of Network Traffic for Network Management, 1998.
Min Wei, Technical staff member, IBM Watson Research Center, NY.
Thesis: Investigations of Self-Similar Traffic on Network Management, 1996.
David Durham, Technical staff member, Intel Corporation, Portland, OR.
Thesis: Wide Area Network Flow Control Possibilities via Active Signal End-to-End Time Series Prediction, 1996.
Richard Schaaf, Technical staff member, IBM, Vermont.
Thesis: Array Signal Processing Using Neural Networks, 1995.
Tashin Hasin Demiral, Ph.D. student, Turkey.
Thesis: Combinations of Weak Classifiers, 1994.
Sheng Ma, continued Ph.D.
Thesis: Expectation-Maximization Algorithms for Feedforward and Recurrent Networks, 1994.
(Henry J. Nolte Memorial Award for Master Thesis, RPI)
James Farmer, Technical staff member, Allied Signals, Washington DC.
Thesis: Expectation-Maximization Algorithm For Feedforward Neural Networks, 1993.
Aaron Dentinger, Technical staff member, General Electric Research and Development Center.
Thesis: Fast Training Algorithms for Recurrent Networks with Ramp Functions, 1993.
More than 40 undergrad researchers at GT, RPI, and SURE.
Former Postdocs/Visitors:
Dr. Sung-Ho Huang (Visiting Posdoc), 2005-2006, Samsung, Korea
Dr. Minsu Kim (Visiting Postdoc), 2005-2006, Samsung, Korea
Dr. Guang Cheng (Visiting Prof.) 2006-2007, South East University, China.
Prof. Suming Li, (Visiting Prof.), 2007-2008, National Univ., China
Dr. Shikang Chen, (Visiting Postdoc), 2008-2009, Sichung, China
James Gu, (Visiting Student), 2008-2009, China
Prof. Ekrem Duman (Visiting Prof.), 2011, Turkey
Prof. Ling Wang (Visiting Prof.), 2013, China